Monday, August 13, 2007

Visit to a "home"

Hi! Greetings from the friendliest place on earth:) Seriously, the people here in the Philippines are so friendly! I am still feeling shock from what I saw yesterday on our visit to a "home" that a mother, father and young baby "lived". We started out our day meeting the people that work for Compassion International locally in Manila. Then we went out to see one of their Child Survival Projects that is there thanks to Compassion and one of the local churches here. Moms and babies up to 3 years old were there to greet us, as well as the staff. When we went to see a "home", we rode on little motorcycles(I'll have some pics posted). Anyway, when I tell you that the conditions this family were living in were unsuitable for anybody, I really mean it. There is no electricity, bathroom, running water, and the space may have been 5x5 if that. It was just so sad. And that is how all the people lived in this area. Little kids came up and loved to get their pictures taken and that was quite funny. There was such a mixture of emotion yesterday. The people in this area are getting help thanks to Compassion and the church, they go to the center for proper nutrition, education, and to hear the Gospel. We spent time with moms and babies and that was really encouraging. Well, today we are going to visit some more centers, and older kids, really looking forward to it. I am still encouraged, despite seeing such conditions, like the local manager for Compassion said yesterday "The greatest intention is always outweighed by the smallest deed". I will be able to share more with you when I get back from my trip!

1 comment:

Sammy said...

I've seen poverty like this on several of my mission trips. It's quite sad to see it but it is indeed a beautiful thing to see these same people living life to the fullest and looking to God for all the answers. Quite inspiring especially to us who take for granted what we have here in the states.